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830MB Sraper Tractor + Curtis Wright 18M Pulled Scraper!

An 1971
Număr de referință BM2651
Ore 4.469


Tip 830MB Sraper Tractor + Curtis Wright 18M Pulled Scraper!
Location Veldhoven, Netherlands
Alte Price is including the pulled scraper!!
Număr de serie 41E924
Descriere Good looking machine! Caterpillar 830MB Scraper Tractor, comes with the Curtis Wright 18M Pulled Scraper you see on the pictures. Engine runs very good. The scraper has a loading capacity of +- 25 m3.

Informații tehnice

Consola de configurare 4x4

Informații despre motor

Motor marca Caterpillar
Model de motor D343TA (Turbo, aftercooled!)
Cilindri 6


Comparați următoarele mașini:
Caterpillar 982M BM005107
Hamm GRW10 BM005156
Bucket 312